

         Senior year.Oh yeah! I guess I wont be able to write again in this blog regularly.Its just that school hasn't given me time to spend  on the computer to blog and look for inspirations.I feel dull and empty when Im not online.I feel uninspired.I need to find inspiration on things non-internet related like magazines,books,school(mmkay),music,movies and many more.Then I realized my friends,they inspire me :).

         For the past four months that we've been together happiness is a familiar feeling.I remember one of them said 'For each and every day God has given us,everyday is the best day'.Its just that when our group of friends is complete,surely you'll laugh like its your last day.And the best part is,Its never the last.I have it proven.Imagine me always looking forward to go to school which I thought never in my life would happen.I know I cant elaborate or explain it to you but that's enough an explanation.yeah?

         I will never forget the time when two girls I barely knew asked me if I want to eat lunch with them and even though I had always eaten lunch with my previous classmates,I said sure.Little did I know those girls will become two of my bestest friends.We were like the original group until little by little people wanted to join us first to lunch then to whatever shit we want to do.Another thing is these people are not too-cool-for-you/bitch-please/talk-to-the-hand kind of people thats why almost all of our classmates wanted to join our insane trippings.And I swear with these friends,we're infinite :)

         So I am telling you guys,the best thing to do is to socialize ... no,really.SOCIALIZE.Embrace the unusual and make new friends.Its a lot easier and better than giving everyone a devilish intense stare until they creep out which has been a habit since ... well,ever.Until now.And guess what good it did to me.Let's see .. scared of making calls,cant order a simple meal myself,cant commute alone .. err nada.So just dont waste your life being shy and afraid and wtvr.Again,embrace the unusual.Try out new things.
               This aint life 101 or anything... ^.^

                     My friends are gonna kill me if they see this xP

Hope you're all well :D ♥


  1. It's been 13 years since High School for me and how I miss it! HS is so fun! Hehehe... Great post!

    I just followed you on Google Friend Connect :) Hope you can drop by my blog too and maybe get a follow back? :) Thank you very much and looking forward to more posts!



  2. Oh! And followed you on BlogLovin' too :)
