We watched Suckerpunch last night for the nth time.It's about five girls creating their own world where they have to collect five things which will set them free.And in that task they are faced by undead soldiers,mechanical guards and fierce dragons.
And I'm hooked with the amazing anime-like graphics,especially in the fight scenes,and the SOUNDTRACK is just perfect! I've already downloaded all it's OST , well almost .. coz not all of them is for free.The movie is so Final Fantasy-inspired , from the special effects to the costumes.I said It's anime-like because there's contrast in each characters that emphasize their personality , other than that their hairdo never change and all their different costumes have that same touch ,all throughout the movie.
For me the ending wasn't sad because like the wise man said the 5th thing would be the ultimate sacrifice which was Babydoll but this let Sweet pea be free as well as the other girls. Giving up her mind to escape the pain and suffering of the cruel world exposed Blue and the people aiding him to torture the girls to Dr. Gorski and the police. She also got revenge on her stepfather, at the end you can hear Blue telling them about what the stepfather did so it was a happy ending if you think about it
But the hot stuff is this!! A nine-inch Babydoll and Amber action figure !! Aaaaaaaaargh !!! Do Want ,0.o
Have to have these... @_@